About Williette Harmon-Dempster
My Story
I have a passion for people. I believe that the sovereign purpose of my life is to bring people into wholeness through the detoxing of their souls. Each and every person deserve to discovered who they truly are so as understand their purpose and live wholesome lives. Found within the soul of every man is the ability to create, replenish to be fruitful and multiply. I discovered this truth through my own painful experienced with negative thoughts and a toxic soul. During my teenage and mid-adult life my Soul- Mind, Will ,Emotion was not in alignment with the truth of who I am, and the endless potential that lies within me. The detoxing of my soul first began when I came across Joyce Myers book Battlefield of the mind. Once I understood this truth that our minds are battlefields, I was intrigued to learn about the impact of our thoughts. The thoughts we hold in our mind impact us spiritually, behaviorally and our cognitive function. My curiosity to understand the mind as it relates to our thoughts lead me through the pages of scriptures, the Biological and Neurosciences. I am from Liberia West Africa, I came into the United States of America as a teenager. At the time of my arrival there was a lot to get adjusted to, but my passion for learning and helping others became my motivation for enrolling at the university of Kent. At Kent I acquire a degree of Pre-med Biology and a certificate in Leadership. I worked as Volunteer Lab assistant at Northeast Ohio Medical University of Neurosciences. I work as a Christian camp counsellor for two years. I am on a mission to enable all man with the necessary tool needed to transform their souls. Detoxing of the soul from negative thoughts, emotions, and habits is a life long journey that require the help of the holy spirit, discipline and willingness. But I’ve done it for myself and seen how my life improved immensely. I know the downside to having a toxic soul, so let me help you! Everything I will ever teach you is what I have learned and experienced to be best.
Work With Me
I am someone who is able to understand your struggle because I’ve been there. For me the need for you to succeed is personal because I understand the negative impact soulish wounds have on your life and generation to come.